Active Hatha Yoga Class
This full-body mat class is slightly faster, sometimes a little stronger, maybe more demanding than the gentle hatha practice. We use alignment-based asana to explore the body’s parameters and increase our abilities of awareness, endurance, strength, and mobility. You’ll need a yoga (sticky) mat, two foam blocks, sturdy blanket, and a strap. Have a chair nearby for stability touchpoint, or assistance getting up
and down from the floor, depending on your body’s abilities (and aging or injury hesitations).
We do active movements, with standing, bending, folding, balancing, reaching the floor, kneeling, squatting, sitting, and lying both prone and supine, using all our props to assist us in the fullness of the poses. We are not concerned with what we look like, or what our poses look like; we focus on how the pose feels in our body, and what our body needs to feel better, stronger, healthier.
Our practice takes the time to move mindfully into a posture, and then we stay in the pose to feel its effects on our bodies, joining with the breath to create the mind-body connection for a full somatic experience. The class is intended to be accessible for various body shapes, sizes, ages, and abilities, but is geared for bodies who are independently mobile with a basic physical activity level, who can easily get up from and down to the floor. No experience is necessary.