~ On-Demand ~
Yoga Class Replay
Your quotidian yoga practice can happen whenever and wherever you want with our on-demand classes! These all-levels classes have been recorded by our quintessential instructors, and are available for you to use as often as you wish – from muscle quaver to relaxing quiescence, we’ve got you covered. And, as always, every time is pay-what-you-can!
Our weekly live classes are recorded and available to practice your yoga
whenever you wish, wherever you are in the moment.

On-Demand Yoga Class Replays
Please help yourself to any of the recorded classes from the past month!

Use any of our options to pay what you can,
to practice in alignment with your life.
We appreciate any and all support of our endeavors
so we can continue studio operations and compensate the teachers.
Use any of our options to pay what you can to practice in alignment with your life.
We appreciate any and all support of our endeavors so we can continue studio operations and compensate the teachers.
“I was thrilled to learn that the classes are recorded”
“Because my schedule does not always allow me to participate in the live yoga classes, I can have access to them at my convenience. I have taken yoga classes for over 30 years; many people can do yoga but not everyone can teach. Directions and instructions in these classes are clearly stated; we are given the option for gentle to more strenuous movement as we are capable, and demonstrations for each provided. We practice warmup moves to prepare us for our focus poses. And all of this is done using positive, encouraging words, with a good dose of humor sprinkled throughout. I will continue to participate in the recorded classes until such time as I can do them ‘live."
Melanie R.
“The class challenged me, so I want to work on it again!”
“I liked the class VERY much. I like that your classes make me work hard (mitigated by the fact you make it fun!) while reminding me not to push so hard I hurt myself (the downfall of so many previous attempts to get my body moving). The poses we work on have become more doable (though far from perfect) over the month, and so much has become more doable since I started your online classes last spring. For example, I certainly never expected to be able to squat again in my life or imagined I’d ever do the tree pose. It also gave me the courage to try out other classes, so I’m doing more moving than I had done in years. Your accepting attitude and perspective also add something special to the class. I look forward to the Monday morning class getting me up and my week going. Thanks again.”
Ruth M. (2022-03)