Restorative Yoga Class

This ANYbody and EVERYbody class is a delicious event designed to calm the heart rate and soothe the autonomic nervous system – it’s the “dessert” of yoga practices. The hour together is an easy, slow, cushioned, restful experience for bodies that can sit and lay down. The only objective is to be as comfortable as 

possible. No yoga mat is necessary; you can be on a carpeted floor, use a rug or folded blanket or towel under the body. 

The more gear you have on the floor with you for supporting your body, the better. You will want: 

  • two foam yoga blocks, 
  • 2-3 sturdy blankets (or large, heavy towels), 
  • some bed pillows and toss pillows, 
  • a strap or belt that fastens,
  • a bolster (or rolled bed quilt stuffed into a pillowcase). 

The restorative sequence helps to relax the mind, to soften the body, and to allow the internal organs opportunity for maximum performance (respiration, digestion, circulation, etc.), improving the immune system while reducing anxiety and stress.

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